Things to remember to avoid memory loss!

Mindfulness is one of the arts these days and is becoming elusive for many. But, it cannot be left alone. To develop memory, remember to do some things.

Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids may prevent Alzheimer’s disease, a medical study has found. That’s because omega-3s help activate the brain by increasing memory cells, which may stave off the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, the research concluded.

Alzheimer’s is so terrible that it causes us to lose our memory little by little and at some point we forget who we are. It is a disease that completely impairs memory and brain function. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in sardines, anchovies, catfish and salmon to prevent this disease.

For vegetarians, flaxseeds are found in walnuts, soy beans, and mint. This nutrient is essential for brain health.

Omega 3 can also be obtained through prescription pills. Fish oil tablets made from fish contain Omega 3. But nutrition from food is the best. This is because when taken with food, other nutrients in the food are also available. If pregnant women do not take enough omega 3, the unborn child may suffer from attention deficit disorder. Previous research has also found that babies born to women who ate omega-3 foods during pregnancy were smarter.

Dementia is common after age 55 or 60. But now memory loss is coming very quickly. There are alarming reports that it may be hereditary.

They get nervous because of the fear of memory loss. If you are in a tense state, your memory will definitely decrease. It is like a circle. So don’t worry too much about forgetfulness, you can easily face this if you have confidence and courage.

Lifestyle should be changed. Forgetfulness can be kept under control by following some routines in daily activities. For example, before starting a job, it is better to complete the necessary preparations. There is no need to search if things are kept in their proper place.

Make a daily to-do list, write it down on a piece of paper, and write it down when you’re done.

Just as we keep our bodies strong, we need to keep our thoughts in mind. Games like chess, carrom board, crossword match sharpen the brain. Improves memory, focus, concentration on an activity, etc.

Not getting enough sleep can increase forgetfulness. A complete sleep cannot be achieved if any memories cause stress during sleep.

Nutritious vegetables, fruits, walnuts, almonds etc can boost memory.

Read newspapers and keep up with the latest, daily details. Watch news channels. The world situation will come to light. Keep in touch with friends by keeping your own account online. Participate in social networking sites. Thus, you will be aware of the current world affairs, thereby improving your memory.

Some people accept the memory loss that comes with their old age quite naturally. Some face it with resentment and bitterness. It is not right to waste time. Spend your time with happy, positive people.

Don’t lose track of your hobbies. These have the power to make your pastimes worthwhile. Have a hobby for yourself. If not, learn something new now. When learning something new, memory also increases.

You can write down who you met, what you planned to do, and your thoughts in the diary. It will also help your memory.

Talk to friends. At the same time, when the other person is speaking, slow down and listen to what they are saying. Answer only the questions he asks. Listen to what he says and try to remember what he says.

Small habits like these can help restore memory.

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