The general opinion of doctors is that if heart disease comes, you can live happily like everyone else without making your life a living hell.
Some people, even after having a heart attack and undergoing surgery, are seen with fear as if they are looking forward to the last days, thinking that everything is over.
Still others, once their chest pain is cured, return to their old life without fear of it in the slightest. If they do go back, they go back to exactly the same fatty foods and alcohol.
According to doctors neither of these are good. Avoid heart related problems as much as possible. Once you arrive, you should be as careful and safe as possible. At the same time, you can lead a normal life.
Live a new life with freshness.
That is, things to watch out for after heart surgery..
First, to reduce the chances of having a heart attack again.
Get out of stress and fear. Be positive. Keep body and mind fresh through yoga, exercise, meditation etc.
Medicines and pills should be taken regularly.
Problems like high blood pressure and sugar should be kept under control.
Re-engage in domestic life with renewed vigor.
According to his physical condition and working environment, he can continue the work he was doing as per the doctor’s recommendation.
During trips abroad
Avoid long distance travel. It is a good idea to carry sufficient amount of doctor prescribed tablets in hand during unavoidable journeys.
Always keep information such as medical notes, doctor’s phone number, etc. with them. Notes can be kept concise even on their phone.
Always keep your home address and emergency number handy.
It is good to keep your mind calm while traveling without getting into any excitement and unnecessary discussions. There is no need to worry about anything happening during the trip.
If you have problems like blood pressure or diabetes, it is better to take a test before leaving and take a doctor’s advice.
Train or air travel is fine. Traveling by bus for long distances can cause physical discomfort.
If you run out of medicine, you have to buy the same pills. A change in medication or dosage can cause problems.
You have to break the diet just for two days. Wherever you are, follow only the diet prescribed by the doctor.
So what can we eat?
Foods that are low in salt and fat can be taken in small amounts at short intervals.
Do not eat foods that doctors have told you to avoid.
Always follow the same diet wherever you are. Remember that eating too much or too little of a spoon will affect the body condition.
It is important to be more cautious about food
As per the doctor’s prescription, do some exercises every day without forgetting anywhere. Walking is essential.
It is better if you divide the three meals into five meals. No feasting, no fasting.